pin & bolting SOLUTIONS



At L&H Industrial, we are proud to offer the innovative NORD-LOCK Expander® and SuperBolt® Systems. The Expander® product line is a groundbreaking solution for pivot wear elimination for heavy machinery. Additionally, the SuperBolt® tensioners leverage mechanical tensioning to break down high preload requirements into lighter torque values. As an authorized distributor, we bring this advanced technology to our customers, ensuring optimal performance, and longevity for your equipment.

The Expander® System

The Expander® System is designed to address the common issue of pivot wear, which can lead to costly downtime and repairs.


    Lug wear occurs when pivot joints experience play, due to the clearance between bore holes and conventional pins. The sleeves of the Expander® System expand to conform to the wear pattern and locks the system into place.


    From simple support, to fixed support, the Expander® System reduces bending to avoid pin seizure and redistribute load on the bearing. Additionally, less impact force on the bearing reduces overall pivot wear.


    Since the Expander® System can be mounted directly into the worn lugs, there is no need for welding and line boring. In many applications, it can be installed on-site and operations can resume within a few hours.


The Expander® System is suitable for a wide range of applications, including construction equipment, mining machinery, forestry equipment, and more. No matter the industry, if your equipment relies on pivot points, the Expander® System can provide a reliable, long-lasting solution.

The SuperBolt® System

SuperBolt® tensioners are designed as a direct replacement for nuts and bolts; they can be threaded onto a new or existing bolt, stud, threaded rod, or shaft.


    For many applications, the best approach is to adapt one of the SuperBolt® Systems line up of existing tools. Modifications like these to stock items can be turned around quickly with minimal or zero cost.


    If an existing tool cannot be modified, SuperBolt® tools can design and manufacture equipment to suit a specific application. These custom engineered solutions can be supplied to fit any size of bolt and load requirement. Additionally, custom tensioners can be made from a variety of materials considering your unique environment to ensure the best solution for you.

SuperBolt® Case Study

A mining operation in Brazil saw immediate benefits with faster installation and removal with the SuperBolt® System, all while being safer with hands free use for this customized solution for their electric rope shovel side frame maintenance.

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